Tuesday, December 8, 2009

can i just tell you

how much i am enjoying myself right now?
i'm sitting here doing my physics homework
with some headphones on.. just typing away
while mike is happily playing his Call of Duty next to me 
(its a video game--for those of you who didn't know)

today has been lots of fun!
i know i've already posted something today
but i'm taking a quick break from physics to blog. yay.
so first of all i took mike to byu so he could hand in
some papers so he can go to school next semester. yay again.
then we took back my nordstrom coat-- got $100 back. yessss
we ate some subway. yum
we drove up to sandy so he could show me nordstrom rack
i found some designer jeans that look amazing
he paid half. love him
we left. and i talked to his big brother rob on the phone
(whenever he calls mike and i'm there, he asks to talk to me. hahaha)
he told me i must come up during christmas break. i wish!
anywho--then we went to the mall in sandy
and can i just tell you how good at shopping mike is?
i might even have to say he is better than my dad ;)

but now we're back at his house!
...as said before.
now i guess i'll get back to my homework.
good night to you all :)