Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Yesterday was probably my most favorite day of the.. year? Sure!
I went and picked up Mike from the airport after my French class
It was sooooooooooooooooo good to see him.
We then went to Rumbi Grill, which was so delicious as always
After Rumbi, we headed over to Gunnies so Mike could buy his gun
haha.. he bought a Russian Rifle. It looks super authentic.
After Gunnies we drove to Walmart to buy a beard trimmer
haha.. good purchase
Then we went to his house and he trimmed his long beard
I then helped him buzz his head. Ha.. VERY exciting! And it looks good too!
After that him, me, and his step sister, Jamie, went to see the movie Pirate Radio
Very funny and entertaining movie.
Such a great day with Mike.

Today has been pretty decent
Besides the fact that I had to wake up at 6:50 a.m.
I started my job today.. and did a little training
I'm pretty excited for it!
Here are some of the great things!
*I only have to work 2 1/2 hrs. a day
*We use all the same programs MRN used
*I get my own office!!!!!!
*The company owns the Chevron right next to it.. meaning I
 get as much free soda and hot chocolate as i want.
*The people are sooo nice and helpful
and last but not least
*I don't really start working til Monday
